Courses, Training, Workshops

Courses, Trainings & Workshops

You could be a poet, a fiction writer, a storyteller, a winning novelist or even an award-winning script writer. It’s all about unlocking your imagination, tapping your potential, and building the confidence to hone your super-power through creative writing. Who knows, your book could one day be turned into a block buster movie or a hit series.

Sometimes, all it takes to push you beyond your insecurity as a writer is being in the right community and having a steady hand to hold.

Young Writer’s Workshop ​

You are never too young to be a poet, a fiction writer, a storyteller, a winning novelist, or even an award-winning script writer. It’s all about unlocking your imagination, tapping your potential, and building the confidence to hone your superpower through creative writing.


Who knows, your book could one day be turned into a blockbuster movie or a hit series. Join our community of young and budding writers for our next cohort

Write on Schedule

You could be a poet, a fiction writer, a storyteller, a winning novelist or even an award-winning script writer. It’s all about unlocking your imagination, tapping your potential, and building the confidence to hone your superpower through creative writing. 


Who knows, your book could one day be turned into a block buster movie or a hit series

Conference Summer 2024

The CopyShift Elite Writer’s Conference Summer 2024 


  • September 2024 Lagos Nigeria
  • November 2024 London, United Kingdom 

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